Friday, November 16, 2007

Update on Uncle Dick

My dad is continuing his recovery. I have been to the hospital every day to see him, because his surgery was right here in Danville. Hopefully he will be coming home tomorrow. They haven't let him eat any solid food yet, and I think that he is probably dying for an In-N-Out burger. He says that what really hurts is his shoulder and his knee, but he has been able to walk around and sit up. He is off all the major pain medication. Last night he was watching the Democratic Presidential Debates and he had plenty of opinions to share. That part of him has not slowed down. He is supposed to really take it easy for the next 2 weeks and hopefully he will listen to his doctor. I believe he will go for follow-up the day before Thanksgiving. Cade and Jim went to see him yesterday afternoon and I know that seeing his grandson was a real lift. Dad wrote to Cade every single week of his entire mission. We really appreciate all the prayers that have been offered on his behalf and you can probably call him at home on Sunday if you'd like to talk with him. I know how much he loved seeing so many nieces and nephews at Grandma's party and I know how grateful he was that so many of you came. Now he says that he has to live long enough to have great-grandchildren!!!!



Barbara Ellen said...

Thanks for the update, Lydia! Barbara Ellen

Goodale Family said...

Shoulder and knee? Did he have them both operated on? That sounds rough! I've had many knee surgeries (7 to date) and one shoulder surgery, but never the two together. Good luck!

Marie said...

Good to hear that Uncle Dick is doing good.
