Monday, November 19, 2007

Elder Peirce Comes Home !!!

Elder Cade Peirce arrived home from the Tallahasee Florida Mission on Thursday, Nov. 15th. Everyone from the Peirce family was on hand, including, grandma Hazel, Great Grandma Lottie, Kristen and kids and Lydia and daughters. We all had a great time holding up huge banners and signs and balloons! Not sure what Cade thought about all of that. Jim, Cade and Gregor promptly left on Saturday morning for Bishop so they could all go climbing together. When the kid who won the U.S. National Bouldering Championship in Maryland last February (that would be Gregor) says "we have to go climbing" then that's what you do !!! Scott stayed behind to concentrate on swimming, but everyone will be together this week for a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast. Cade gives his mission report to the ward this coming Sunday and Sydney, Melissa and KC will all be singing. Uncle Dick has returned home from the hospital still attached to all kinds of bags, but he is able to walk around a little, work at the desk and is hopefully getting his 27 stomach staples removed this coming Wednesday. Grandma Hazel is playing nursemaid to everyone in her house and is looking forward to some healthier days ahead!!! We send our prayers and good wishes to all of you this week and we hope that all of us remember to count our many blessings!!



Mr. Bell said...

Welcome home Elder Pierce! Well done! It's good to have all the boys home and accounted for. We'll wait until August and start the next round with Christopher. It's great to know the rocks and cliffs of Bishop have been under siege by the Pierce Climbing Co.

Happy Thanksgiving to all from the SoCal Clans we'll be at the river and any who are in the area are welcome to join us for the feast and the Poker Run!

Dick W. the real Mormon Boy, it's good to hear you came through with flying colors and that all is well! Keep that fighting spirit alive! Coach

Goodale Family said...

Man... I wonder how may descendants of Morris and Cora have served missions now. That would be a cool thing to figure out! What an awesome legacy, huh?

Our Justin turns 19 in February, and will be submitting his papers in January, for entry in to the mission field right after the Spring semester.