Monday, November 26, 2007

News from "The Frozen Chosen" in Sapporo

Monday morning, Nov. 19th, 07. Hi everyone. Sorry to say it's been awhile since we've written and here it is almost Thanksgiving. Hope you all have a wonderful one. There are Christmas decorations in all the stores and they are just BEAUTIFUL! There is music of Christmas in the stores and malls, even traditional carols. But that is the only sign of the "real meaning of Christmas." Santa Claus, snowmen, lights, trees, but no Christ child, or mangers, or shepherds and wise men. Soooo Christmas is commercial here too but we've been told presents primarily are for the children.

We had dinner last evening at the Packard's apt. (office couple) and the other two senior missionaries came, the Kowamoto's and Nishijima's (one couple a lives at home) plus President and Sister Yokohama. There were 10 of us crowded around the table. The two Japanese couples speak no English. President Yokoyama speaks good English and I am blessed that Dick communicates well or I would be lost. We had a great time, especially after everyone else left and the four of us played cards, "14 in the corner" and Trump." NO FACE CARDS! Anyway, it is the Packard's idea (they are a great game playing family) and HE said it is okay. When we left their apt. at 10 p.m., it was snowing hard. This is the 3rd time it has snowed since last Thursday. Luckily, we knew the snow was coming so we had snow times put on the car Friday.

Saturday we had a wonderful missionary conference. Elder Evans, the area president and a member of the first quorum of the seventies spoke. It was as expected uplifting. These young missionaries here are great. I am so impressed with them. No wonder one always here that a mission is a life changing event.

Yesterday we spoke in the Higashi Ward. It was the first time we attended that ward and it was fun to meet new saints. It is a very vibrant ward, with lots of children and members of all ages. Afterwards lunch was served (pot luck) before a ward planning meeting. Yummy!

We've canvassed Shiroishi Ward and are now concentrating on about six families/individuals (mostly converts since 2000 who have actually invited us into their homes at least once) and will now concentrate anew on Toyohira Ward. We visit with these 6 contacts, like home teaching, and have decided that we will go Christmas Caroling to these homes. We always present them with a CD, invitation to ward activity and/or Liahona magazine. We just went over the 7000 kilometer mark on our Corolla.

All is well here but alas the snow has arrived big time and I am not looking forward to that. We need some more long john thermal garments. We have written Janelle to send us some. It is bitter cold when we walk to our car parked at the church. We can't say its not invigorating!!!!

We heard all the wonderful reports about Lottie's 100th birthday party. What a great time you must have all had. Dick couldn't say enough about all the "cousins" and Paul, everyone is raving about the honey you brought from the "farm." Dale, we got the pictures. Thank you! Speaking of our brother Dick, we haven't heard how he is doing since his surgery. We were happy we got to talk with him the day before. We will call him this morning.

We pray for you daily and our thoughts are with you. Love from the Sapporo Mission, more aptly named, "The Frozen Chosen."

Elder and Sister Detton

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