Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Uncle Dick's Surgery Update

I have just gotten home from the hospital. It is almost 10 PM. My dad's surgery did not take place until 6 PM tonight. The surgery was a little more complicated than they thought so it went a little long. They took him into recovery at about 9:15 PM. I got to see him just for a moment before I left the hospital, through the recovery room doors. His vitals were pretty stable during the entire procedure and the surgeon said he tolerated the surgery well. He is awake and they are moving to the ICU tonight.

I will go see him first thing in the morning and let all of you know how he is doing. He is going to be in the hospital until at least this Friday. The family is going to welcome Cade home from his mission on Thursday at the Oakland Airport and we are all going to see dad in the hospital after that. We know that many prayers have been said on dad's behalf and we so appreciate your love and concern for Uncle Dick. I will keep everyone posted on his recovery. If any of you need to reach me, please call me at home or on my cell.

My love to you all, Lydia


Goodale Family said...

Thank you for the update, Lydia. Our prayers are with him!!!

Marie said...

I am glad to hear that everything went well. I he has a speedy recovery. Our prayers are with him to.