Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Update on Uncle Dick

Here's the latest on my dad. He was released from the hospital yesterday at 4 PM. They took the catheter out in the morning at 6 AM. All the bleeding had stopped as a result of the surgery, so they let him go home at 4 PM. I called over to the house at 6 PM to just see how dad was doing and my dad said "I can't talk, we are leaving right now to come to KC's choir concert, we'll see you in a little while!" So there yo have it. An entire new lease on life. Dad has had a catheter for at least the last 3 months, so he was thrilled beyond belief to have that gone. When the concert was over, dad said, we are going home right now, it's been a long day. After the concert, Ken and I took KC and a friend to In-N-Out. We were there for about 5 minutes and were sitting in a booth waiting for food. All of the sudden we look right behind us and there is Grandma Doering - in the next booth. We all burst out laughing. My mom and dad didn't even see us !!! How come we are not surprised that dad's first meal out of the hospital was In-N-Out!!!

Steven comes home from Wisconsin tonight and Mallory and Jim's daughter Kristin comes in this afternoon from Texas with her husband Cip and grandson C.J. We are looking forward to the Christmas holiday and send our love to all of you !!

1 comment:

Steve Detton said...


I'm glad that uncle Dick is doing better. Going to In N Out burger is a great way to celebrate.