Friday, December 21, 2007

hi from storm lake, iowa

Liz has finally steered me on to the blog. We,ll see how it goes next time i want on. Things are slow here. No one wants to see us before Christmas, I guess we'll just put on our faces and go store hopping and street walking with big smiles on our faces. It is surprising how many people smile back and talk to us. We love you all and have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS. Karen

1 comment:

Lydia Faulkner said...

My gosh Aunt Karen !!!! You got on line. Good for you !!! We hear about Iowa every single day with the political caucuses so close. You must be inundated with politicians every where you look. Just keep smiling and saying hello and try to keep warm !!! WE are thinking of you. Merry Christmas !!!

Love, Lydia