Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Story of a Wedding - Japanese Style

From Elder and Sister Detton Where does the time go? I can't seem to slow it down. I have been making Christmas cards (you know the ones) for the faithful sisters in Shiroishi Ward. I gave them out in church today. (following Sacament meeting.) I hope they like them. It took longer than I anticipated and our apt. is a mess because I just concentrated on getting them done for today. Yes, we still got to visit some people. It's always interesting. If I've learned anything on this mission it is the importance of home teaching/visiting teaching. So many lost souls there that perhaps would have made it if members would just regularly keep in touch, show they care, and share a brief message.

Last Sunday night was the big turkey dinner at the "honbu." I promised to tell you "more later" on the betrothed couple who was married yesterday in the Tokyo Temple. Here is the cast of characters.

President and Sister Yokoyama. Sapporo Mission President.

Emma Yokoyama. Daughter of President and Sister Yokoyama. Never married, age 34. Returned missionary.

President Packard, (oops, we sometime call him that). Elder and Sister Packard are from Texas. They are the office couple and speak not a word of Japanese but handle all the finance. It is to him that we pay our monthly expenses every month. He is a very wealthy and generous man.

Elder Morita. Japanese missionary from Honchu. Age 25. Studied in the United States at Snow College. Graduated from Snow College. While in Utah he learned to speak English beautifully, but more importantly, he was converted to the gospel and baptized. Upon his return from the United States, he served a mission here in Sapporo. He is a wonderful/perfect missionary, speaking both English and Japanese well, loves the gospel, and was an assistant to President Yokoyama before his return upon completion of his mission in July 07. (it is here in Sapporo that he first became acquainted with Emma)

President Packard (oops) got to know him well. He could converse with him, and was convinced of his great potential, not only as an individual but as a future leader of the church here in Japan. Elder Packard consequently offered to sponsor Elder Morita at BYU Provo for the next two years at a cost, we were told, of $25,000 a year.

Elder Packard has kept in touch with Elder Morita since his departure last July. He thought he should be married before going to BYU and encouraged him to date Emma who happened to be in Tokyo for Elder Bednar's big single adult conference last October. Well, Elder Morita followed Elder Packard's advice and "now you know the rest of the story."

There were 32 guests last Sunday evening to fete the happy couple. Sister Packard was the head chef, and I along with Sisters Nishijima and Kawamoto helped prepare food Saturday and Sunday. The turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and dressing tasted great.

We are happy for Elder Morita and his new bride Emma, and their future prospects together as husband and wife. Yesterday they were married in the Tokyo Temple. They leave for Provo, Utah and schooling the first of January. Most of all, we are happy for Emma.

Love, Elder and Sister Detton

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