Down our front walk.
I think this is the front of the house!
Where did the well house go?
Keeping in touch with the descendants of Morris and Cora Wilcox
Dear friends:
I am sending this to many of my friends, some who are members of my faith and some who are not. For those of you who do not know, the President of my church, Gordon B. Hinckley passed away last Sunday. His funeral services were today. I watched with immense sadness the services on KBYU- TV and cried almost the entire time, grateful for what this good man had accomplished in his 97 years here on earth. There is a television commentator of some fame. His name is Glenn Beck. He has a talk show on CNN Headline News. He is a convert to the LDS Church and the other night on his program he gave a short tribute to President Hinckley, acknowledging in his own life how one man had lifted and inspired him to be someone better. It is incredibly touching, not something you see often on TV. I am passing this on to all of you, hoping that you will take just a moment to watch it and remember the importance of those that lift us up and inspire us to do better, to be better and to lift those around us to be better too.
Much love to all those who have lifted and inspired me to do the same.
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