Sunday, June 22, 2008

MOVING . . . . . AGAIN . . . . .

Melissa and Grandpa Dick at graduation!!!!

Yup. You read that right. The Faulkners are moving again. Just about 2 years to the day that we moved to California, we will be relocating again. And it’s a big move. We are going to Boston. Ken has a fabulous opportunity clear on the other side of the country, so we are packing up the one daughter we have left at home, along with the big, hairy dog, and moving at the end of August to “beantown”. We will have to trade in our Oakland A’s gear for Red Sox wear, because we understand that once you cross the state line into Massachusetts the Red Sox chip is implanted when you aren’t looking and you will forever be “one of them”. I will fight to the death if they try to take away my “Packers chip”. That is SO NOT happening !!!!! This is not happening until the end of August after we get Melissa all settled into her new dorm room at University of Wisconsin.

When Ken started looking for a new job, (not too long after we got back to CA actually), we had NO plans to go to Boston. We actually wanted to go back to the Midwest and I had my heart set on Indianapolis. But some amazing things happened and a whole set of miracles took place in about a 48 window and we could no longer deny that we were not in charge and for whatever reason, this is the place that we are supposed to go to now. I know that Liz will think I am crazy but I am actually looking forward to the snow again. I love living in a place where there are defined seasons. Although, I don't think Boston gets quite as much snow as Madison and Idaho got this last year.

In other Faulkner Family news, thought I would let all of you know that Steven graduates from University of Wisconsin in December and he will be heading off right after Christmas to the South Pole!!!! He will have his own web site - He will be the student engineer on the Ice Cube Project. He has been the student engineer on the project for the last 2 1/2 years in Madison and they are actually letting him go there for the summer season where it will be a balmy 16 degrees below zero!!!! he will be there for about 6-8 weeks. The professor that runs the program will probably win the Nobel Prize in the next 3-4 years. It is an amazing project and Steve will have a once in a lifetime experience!!!! And a Congressional Service Medal and a great pick-up line (which is the real reason he is going). He is actually hoping to get into graduate school in Boston in the next year. (Maybe this has something to do with us moving - not quite sure yet).

Betty and Tom Faulkner had to be evacuated from their home in Paradise during the recent Butte County fires, but they are back home and their house is safe. They say it's still a little smoky though because there are some fires still burning. tom had knee replacement surgery about 3-4 weeks ago and he is still hobbling around. Very hard to bounce back.

Dave Wilcox graduated from USF with a Masters in Finance at the end of May and he is now working for Tesla Motors in San Carlos. That is the totally upper end green car company that is manufacturing a "green" sports car ordered by only those people who can afford it - like the Governator of California - Ahnold". The commute is a killer, but we think he is finding the work interesting.

No big plans for the summer because ken will be leaving for Boston soon and we are just riding out the summer until we leave this fall. The family will miss us really bad, but everyone says they want to come and go to a Red Sox game. Right now I don't think they are worth watching!! Time for everyone to start posting - school is out and it's time to keep up with the family comings and goings !!!! So . . . . . . . . . and I do want to know if everyone is going to hold their nose and vote McCain (as long as Romney is on the ticket)???

Friday, June 20, 2008

Just a few pictures to let you all know that yes, summer has come to the snowy north country. Snows melted just in time to get supplies and keep the town from starving.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Second Generation of Cousins in Provo - - And other places!!!

WOW!!!!! I can't believe that no one has posted to this blog since February. Caitlin was kind enough to send pictures to her grandma and grandpa - Aunt Marion and Uncle Dick, so . . . that got forwarded to me and I thought that I would post to the family web site. Isn't this cool - the second generation of cousins hanging out in Provo!!!!!

These pictures include Shane Bell, Cade Peirce, Kristen Jensen, Caitlin Jenne and Camille Burgess.

Caitlin Jenne will be a senior in college this fall and Steven Faulkner will graduate from University of Wisconsin with a double major in engineering mechanics and math this December. Melissa Faulkner and Scott Peirce will both graduate from high school on June 13th and unfortunately their graduations are on the same day and at the same time - - - in 2 different locations. Which puts Dick and Hazel in terrible circumstances.

Melissa Faulkner is heading off to University of Wisconsin, where she will be the first Division I NCAA athlete in the family. Melissa has made it onto the crew team and will be rowing for last year's NCAA champions.

Steven Faulkner is the team leader for the Univ. of Wisconsin Formula SAE Racing Team. They won the world championships last year and head off to Detroit in another month to defend their title and this year mom (Lydia) gets to go watch. They are leaving for a new formula competition in Virginia on Tues. We wonder if that young man actually goes to school anymore? Steven decided to become the ultimate fan, following the Badger faithful to the NCAA tournament, starting in Omaha. He actually made it onto national television, thanks to the red suit, and the YOU TUBE link is posted here. (Yes, he bleached his hair to match and it didn't come out quite all the way white). What faithful sports fans will do for their teams is astounding. Ken actually joined Steven for the Sweet 16. They drove all the way to Detroit together when Wisconsin made it that far, but Ken did not have to die his hair for the occasion or wear the white suit.

See this link:

Dave Wilcox actually graduates with a Masters in Finance from University of San Francisco in another couple of weeks. Matthew and Jared are busy playing baseball and both will be on swim team this summer. Jared made it all the way across the pool which entitles him to 6 and Under status. Kate is bouncing . . . and jumping . . . and dancing . . . and never stops moving . . and Dave says she is the best athlete in the family. Both Kate and Matthew celebrate their birthdays this Tues., April 22.

Cade Peirce is returning from Provo for the summer and he and Scott are planning on making lots of money before they both head back in August. Gregor of course, is still climbing. He made it to the MENS final in the National ABS (American Bouldering Series) rock climbing competition in February even though he is only a junior climber. He was the youngest competitor in the division and actually did quite well before a fall took him out. But the old guys better watch out because Gregor is quick on their heels and ready to take them out in next year's nationals. The entire family went to Denver to see the competition - even Cade drove up from Provo.

Sydney Peirce and KC Faulkner both graduate from middle school this year and will head off to high school next year . . . and Seminary!!!!!

It is time for everyone else to check in, post pictures and keep us up to date on the family activities!!! And Liz - has the snow melted yet??? Time to plan another family reunion as soon as Dick and Marion get home. Did I hear someone mention Hawaii?????


Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Looking out our front door.
Down our front walk.
I think this is the front of the house!
Where did the well house go?

Looking out our front window.

Bringing in the heavy equipment.

Me up to my butt in the snow on our roof.

This is our road going south.

This is our road going north.

Hi Everyone - Well I usually do not have much to report, but I thought you might all like to see some pictures from the last week of storms that we had. I won't complain though because we really need the snow, but you can fell a little sorry for me if you like. I feel like I am living in a snow cave. We are scheduled to receive more snow over the next couple of days. If you would like to see more pictures email me and I will give you access to my Kodak gallery. There are about 80 crazy pictures on there.
Mom and Dad are doing well in Storm Lake and their weather has been very cold - they are surviving. As far as I know the rest of the family is doing well also.

Well enjoy the pictures of my winter wonderland. Liz

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Touhcing Tribute to Our Beloved Prophet

I know that most of you probably watched with much love, gratitude and sadness the funeral services today for President Hinckley. I cried almost the entire time. I sent the following email to many of my friends and family, both in and out of the church, because I thought that it was such a touching tribute to a man of such profound worth. I hope that each of you will take a chance to watch this with your families and be grateful for the people in your life that inspire you to be better. Please pass it on.

Dear friends:

I am sending this to many of my friends, some who are members of my faith and some who are not. For those of you who do not know, the President of my church, Gordon B. Hinckley passed away last Sunday. His funeral services were today. I watched with immense sadness the services on KBYU- TV and cried almost the entire time, grateful for what this good man had accomplished in his 97 years here on earth. There is a television commentator of some fame. His name is Glenn Beck. He has a talk show on CNN Headline News. He is a convert to the LDS Church and the other night on his program he gave a short tribute to President Hinckley, acknowledging in his own life how one man had lifted and inspired him to be someone better. It is incredibly touching, not something you see often on TV. I am passing this on to all of you, hoping that you will take just a moment to watch it and remember the importance of those that lift us up and inspire us to do better, to be better and to lift those around us to be better too.

Much love to all those who have lifted and inspired me to do the same.


Click on:

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Dick and Hazel have EMAIL!!!

Yes - it is true. Dick and Hazel FINALLY have an email account. You can reach us at:

Drop us a message when you have a chance!